Thursday, October 24, 2013

Response to the article on touch.

The article on touch examines the many meanings and implications touch has in the world, not just of humans but animals as well.  The greater impact seems to be the well-being it plays in the proper development of human beings particularly in infancy.  It cites studies results regarding such human measures of heart rate, blood pressure, stress, weight gain, pain and pleasure.  In most cases, when either man or animals are deprived of this most needed form of communication, there is a most marked result in failure to thrive.  Psychologists can prove also that most real damage to children happens in infancy through childhood by cold, uncaring parents that have deprived their children of the basic human need for love and affection and touch is part of this human need.  Touch is so important that it makes a difference even in what we do with our future as our lives develop and we choose careers.  Touch is a form of communication and we know when it is appropriate and when it is not, almost solely by what makes us comfortable or uncomfortable.  Without Braille, those that cannot see would have an impossible life without communication or a way of expression.  Touch is a very basic human need, and a very basic need in animals, as cited in the article as well.  Touch, however, is very important in the life of an artist as he must be able to communicate through his expression of emotion, his ability to execute his chosen art by touch, whether that is in painting, sculpting, printing, writing, or whatever art form is his forte.  The article allows us to be reminded how something we take so for granted, actually is a very special gift, a gift that communicates even more than words sometimes can express.   

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's About Time Addition and Subtraction Photos

For the process of addition I applied pins for piercing in this photo and the next photo.


I wet the carving and applied soap flakes to this photo and the next.


I dripped food coloring over the carving as shown here and below.


I applied sesame seeds to the carving here and below.

I started the subtraction process by removing the piercings.

For the subtraction process I severed the beak.

I then severed his tail feathers.

I then removed the sesame seeds in preparation of liquefying the carving.


I then chopped the carving into little pieces for melting.

I then melted the carvings in the microwave, little by little.

The final form is as a bowl of bird nest soup.